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You & Me

You & Me is a sculpture that explores the appropriation of 3d printing technology for the production of evocative objects, souvenirs, mementoes, private altars and items of contemplation.

Under the influence of technology and Architecture, it brings together the romantic, thoughtful allure of the ruin with all the madcap, vibrant energy of the sort kitsch and camp no one is allowed to enjoy any more. A priapic totem of digital exuberance stands next to its deceased counterpart, jarred-up and ossified, a simultaneous celebration of the now and a warning of its transience, and even a looking forward to its beautiful decay…



"You & Me" will be on show at the Hospital Club in Covent Garden, London between the 21st April 2014 and the 21st of June 2014


"You&Me" on show at the Hospital Club, Covent Garden, London in 2014